All posts by mark

A minature from our last club day

Mark at Quads

These are the three games Mark Jenkins played in the bottom section at the Manitoba Chess Association November Quads event.

Players were grouped into groups of 4 and played a round robin (3 games). Time control was G50+10.

Nov 15 – beat a world champion day

Magnus Carlsen

Come out to the 3rd floor, 91 Albert St. on Nov 15 noon-4pm and celebrate the in-progress world championship.

We’re going to bring our tablets and smartphones so you try out the “Play Magnus” app (now available on Android) and take on a simulation of world champion Magnus Carlsen from age 5 on up. Don’t worry, he doesn’t start to take chess seriously until he’s 8, his younger levels are beatable by fairly new beginners — you stronger players might also be glad to know that his 11-15 progression was made a bit less steep than the reality. Club members will be available to review your games with young “Magnus” after to notice tactical mistakes by either side.

We’ll also challenge you to convert winning positions held by either Magnus or Anand in the last six rounds against strong defenders.

And come on out as usual for casual face to face chess.

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Finance report up to week 29


    • $584.25 admission contributions
    • $40.00 equipment contributed
    • $54.20 other

Total income: $678.45


    • $545 rent
    • $35.09 other

Total expenses: $580.09

Net income: $98.36


    • $163 Petty cash
    • $110.36 Held by Mark in trust
    • $40 Equipment

Total assets: $313.36


    • $95 rent
    • $120 tournament fund

Total liabilities: $215

Net worth: $98.36
Net worth less equipment: $58.36

Nov 8, Blitz Chess Tournament and Majors vs Minors Team competition

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A five round swiss blitz (G10) tournament at 1pm on Saturday November 8 followed by a two round team blitz competition between Majors (18 and older) vs Minors (younger than 18).

Held at room 3L08 at the university of Winnipeg.

Tournament director: Theo Wolchock

$10 entry fee if you pre-register, $15 for day of registrations.
$200 in guaranteed prizes, will grow beyond that based on attendance:
1st place: $55
2nd place: $35
1st under 1800: $30
2nd under 1800: $20
1st under 1600: $15
2nd under 1600: $10
1st under 1400: $15
2nd under 1400: $10
top unrated: $10

Team tournament members will be selected on site by captains Jamie Campbell (majors) and Theo Wolchock (minors). Participation if you are selected is free. Prize: team pride. Each team will have five players and each team must include one player not rated by the Chess Federation of Canada (CFC).

Additional sponsors are welcome.

Weeks 1-22 finance report


  • $443.55 admission contributions
  • $40.00 equipment contributed
  • $54.20 other
  • Total income: $537.75


  • $400 rent
  • $35.09 other
  • Total expenses: $435.09

Net income: $102.66


  • $202.30 Petty cash
  • $10.36 Held by Mark in trust
  • $40 Equipment
  • Total assets: $252.66


  • $50 rent
  • $100 tournament prize fund
  • Total liabilities: $150

Net worth: $102.66
Net worth less equipment: $62.66

Golden Boy Classic — meet, greet, and eliminate day (with update)

The Golden Boy Classic is a team tournament being held on 5 consecutive Saturdays, starting Sept 27, organized by Total Educational Development for Sports, Inc. (group behind Tyndal Park tournaments).

Teams have to be formed from persons from the same provincial legislature constituency. With their being 57 of these in Manitoba and 31 in Winnipeg and with chess players spread out, forming a team is a challenge.

The Rudolf Rocker Chess Club is offering its support by dedicating our September 20 club day as a chance for you to meet and greet fellow players from the same constituency. (and hold elimination competitions if there are too many of you). This day is also the deadline day for signing up for the tournament.

Please note that per constituency team slots in this tournament are being filled by the organizers on a first-come, first-serve basis, so think of this upcoming Saturday as your last chance to decide if you want to participate, rank your team members, and fill empty slots. Keep in mind that other people from your constituency may have already signed up and may not come out to this occasion to see who else is ready to play for the same constituency. Organizer Rey Sangalang will be in attendance to help us sort it all out. If you want to assure yourself of a spot prior to Saturday you should contact Rey, work hours: 204 930 7468 after 6pm: 204 599 6680

Update from meeting with Rey on Tuesday:
Teams will only be required to have three members from the same leg constituency!

Regardless of where you live and who you know, if you want to play in this tournament you should contract Rey by by Saturday or run into him on Saturday.

Any district with four or more people who are residents will be locked in with those people as team members, no additions.

People who sign up who wouldn’t be able to play due to too few fellow residents will be put by the tournament organizers in the extra player pool and randomly assigned to districts with only three players, forming teams of size 4 and 5. You can not pick who the extra players are on your team.

Team formation is distinct from who plays — a team with 3 residents and 2 extra could in theory have 2 residents and 2 extras at the board. Teams have to get together early on Saturday Sept 27 and finalize who will be captain and a rank (1st board, 2nd board… 6th) for all players. 4 boards on game day will be filled by rank after unavailability is taken into account.

Two highlights from tournament rules:

  • players will be recording moves (as is fitting for a long time control, high stakes game)
  • you can consult your captain before offering a draw. Apparently your captain isn’t supposed to look at your board when this happens but just consider how a draw will contribute to the team’s strategic (scoring) interests.

Come on down to the 3rd floor of 91 Albert St., noon-4pm.
(note, there is no elevator, only stairs!)

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OsaridSaris v EasyPrisey correspondence game (in progress)

Click on the C8 for the pgn of the current game and G8 for documentation.

Still brutal at Blitz

I’m not a very good blitz player. My profile markjenkinssksp on FICS has a rating of 860.

I played two games today (use pulldown menu to see both) with 2 minutes + 10 second increment, just enough time to qualify as a rapid by FIDE standards. (FICS has bullet, blitz, and standard, and doesn’t recognize the big difference between G20 and G90)

First I lost to a 768, tanking my rating below 800. Then I used my time and really enjoyed that 10 second increment in a longer game with a 996 thus restoring my rating. You can see the move times if you download the pgn and use an appropriate viewer, click the C8 square for whichever of the two games you’re looking at or D8 for both.

The second game redeemed me in another way, I’ve had a few experiences of dominating the center in recent months that I’ve failed to convert, this time I managed to, though I’ll have to spend more time to see if my habitual 9…d4 was any good.

Week 1-16 financial report


  • $327.90 admission contributions
  • $16.45 marketing material contributed
  • $37.75 drink sales
  • $20.00 equipment contributed
    Total income: $402.10


  • $16.45 marketing
  • $290 rent
  • $2.25 other materials
  • $16.39 cost of drinks sold
    Total expenses: $325.09

Net income: $77.01


  • $86.65 Petty cash
  • $60.36 Held by Mark in trust
  • $20 Equipment
    Total assets: $167.01


  • $90 rent
    Total liabilities: $90

Net worth: $77.01
Net worth less equipment: $57.01