From two weeks ago.
All posts by mark
Report and blitz from Central Park
The Rudolf Rocker Chess Club went to Central Park on Saturday, May 31 and a lot of chess was played. We had up to five boards active and around 20 people come by throughout the day.
The park often has many people on Saturdays in the summer owing to the Central Market for Global Families, but May 31 was really busy with a major shoe giveaway and the season opening of the splash pad.
In the following video, you only get a quick glance when the camera turns, but there’s another table with six people playing plus onlookers. The 58 move blitz game shown here is played with G10 time control.
Click on C8 for pgn.
We’re in Central Park tomorrow (May 31)
Our usual meeting room on the third floor of 91 Albert is booked for someone else tomorrow (Saturday, May 31). The forecast looks good, so we’re going to Central Park which is between Edmonton and Carleton south of Cumberland.
Here’s a choose your own adventure map I’ll be leaving at 91 Albert showing the many streets you could use to get from there to the park. Google says its an 11 minute walk.
What do you think is the best route? What do you think is the easiest route to describe to someone!
Campbell v Jenkins at MCA TNT
A slow online game
Well, slow by online standards, G45. That’s a active/rapid time control in the OTB world. I played this one on FICS and looked at a real board on the side and relied on headphones to tell me when it was my turn so I didn’t have to stare at the computer. This is permitted on this server (as long as you don’t use it to analyse ahead), and seeing how I was using PyChess as my client, I took advantage of the new feature where you can type in moves you want to make. (providing practice for me doing so in OTB tournaments)
As I had less and less time on my clock I became more inclined to look at my computer screen, make moves their first, and make moves with the mouse, but I was glad to have the real board for practice and slowing down early on.
finances 4 weeks in
- $112.9 admission contributions
- $20 drink sales
- $16.45 marketing material contributed
Total income: $149.35
- $16.45 marketing materials, printing, tacks, plastic bags
- $92.32 rent
- $2.25 foam cups
- $6.83 cost of drinks sold
Total expenses: $117.85
Net income: $31.50
- $58.9 Petty cash
- $9.56 Drink inventory
- $65 Held by Mark in trust
Total assets: $133.46
- $92.32 rent
- $8.64 owed to Mark
Total liabilities: $101.96
Net worth: $31.50
Week 1-3 financial report
- $90.50 admission contributions
- $15 drink sales
- $16.45 marketing material contributed
Total income: $121.95
- $16.45 marketing materials, printing, tacks, plastic bags
- $69.24 rent
- $2.25 foam cups
- $5.12 cost of drinks sold
Total expenses: $93.06
Net income: $28.89
- $73.50 Petty cash
- $11.27 Drink inventory
- $25 Held by Mark in trust
Total assets: $109.77
- $69.24 rent
- $11.64 owed to Mark
Total liabilities: $80.88
Net worth: $28.89
Tick Tick. Week 3 Blitz on Film
Bughouse on Film
Blitz on Film week 2, EasyPrisey v VinylVampire
PGN needed.